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You are viewing Cheat Codes for NFL GameDay '97 System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-12-06 06:07:41 Views : 20393 Cheat mode Press L1, R1, L2, R2 at the pre-game screen with the "Start Game", "Roster", "Options", and "Statistics" selections. Enter one of the following passwords. Note: "_" indicates a space. Result - Password: More injuries - ASSASSIN Hard hits explode - ATOMIC_BOMB Quarterback throws harder - BAZOOKA Cheerleaders are bigger - BIG_GIRLS Star players bigger than other players - BIG_STARS More time to hit a receiver to free the ball - BLASTERS Less penalties - BLIND_REF Strong winds with snow - BLIZZARD Shoulder charge - BO_KNOWS More injuries - BRITTLE Quarterbacks accuracy is increased - BROADWAY_JOE More penalties - BUSY_REF Defense hits harder - BUTKAS Displays the credits - CREDITS Louder hits - CRUNCHY Darker stadium - DARK_NIGHT Defense is better - DEFENSE More effective spins - DERVISH Used to delete last remaining code in menu - DOC Simulate electric toy football game - ELECTRIC_FB Most players have similar abilities - EQUALIZER Players are very small - FLEA_CIRCUS Players are big - FRIDGE Hurdles higher - FROG Makes the game as fast as NCAA GameBreaker - GB_SPEED Computer is harder - GD_CHALLENGE Computer is smarter - GENIUS More passes are caught - GLOVES Huge players - GOLIATH Kicks are higher - HANG_TIME Jump and hang in air for longer time - HATCHET Offensive line blocks better - HOGS No call-pass interference or personal fouls for home team - HOME COOKING Slippery playing field - ICE_SKATES Computer is less smart - IDIOT Adds pop ups from the NFL GameDay - INFAMOUS_POP_UPS Ball pops up higher when receiver - fumbles JUGGLER Faster speed burst - JUICE Players dive farther - LONG_JUMP Announcer is louder - LOUD_MOUTH Forearm shiver on defense is now a karate chop - KARATE Players are smaller - KRAIG Offensive line is at a disadvantage - MANDARICH Clock never runs - NO_TIME Swim move is better - NYSE Offense is better - OFFENSE Stiff arm is stronger - OUCH Press L2 + Square to hit harder; like flattening a pancake - PANCAKE Forearm shiver is stronger on defense - PINBALL Jackhammer off a stiff arm - PISTON Jump higher - REJECTION Running back is faster and stronger - SAYERS Faster Quarterback - SCRAMBLER Crowd is louder - SHOUT Players are slower - SLO_MO Strong wind with rain - SQUALL Harder hits - STEROIDS Press L2 + Triangle for jumping one handed catch - STRETCH Very dark stadium - TEMPEST Better coverage - TIGHT_COVER Defense backs do not cover as well - TOAST Quarterback lobs passes - TORRETA Strong winds - TWISTER Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more NFL GameDay '97 cheat codes.
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